Timely Diagnosis of Myeloma in Populations with Comorbidities and Health Disparities: Testing Considerations

Août. 30, 2024

Educational Webinar with Dr. Joseph Mikhael MD and Dr. Christopher Farnsworth, PhD

To see or not A1c? HbA1c utilization in light of recent lab guidelines

Juil. 12, 2024

Educational Webinar with Dr. Matthew C. Wagner

Unlocking the power of anti-MCV detection for early diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Juin. 07, 2024

Educational Webinar with Holger Bang, PhD & Roberto Fiorillo

How External Quality Assessment supports quality improvement in laboratory hemoglobinopathy diagnosis

Fév. 20, 2024

Educational Webinar with Dr. Barbara De la Salle

Current Status of Detecting Monoclonal Antibodies and Free Light Chains in Serum

Août. 31, 2023

Educational Webinar with Dr. Matthias Orth from University of Heidelberg at University Hospital Mannheim.

Improving the diagnosis of AATD with aid of Serum Protein Electrophoresis

Août. 23, 2023

Educational Webinar with Dr. Ilaria Ferrarotti

Clinical use of FLC testing in Multiple Myeloma and AL Amyloidosis

Juin. 15, 2023

Educational Workshop with Pr Giovanni Palladini

Methods for FLC quantification

Juin. 13, 2023

Educational Workshop with Dr Matthias Orth