The Clinical laboratory environment has drastically changed over the past years. Innovation, Automation, IT Connectivity and logistics, has resulted in, the emergence of bigger and bigger Laboratories and laboratory chains focused on operational efficiency. Driven by a constant competition, these labs look to optimize their resources and for cost effective solutions.
In the countries where the Clinical laboratories hasn’t been impacted by this phenomenon, innovation in analysis technology and data management is also the predominant driver for improving patient care and their necessary market development.
At the same time, reference Hospital and University laboratories are subjected to medical advances and cost constraints that require innovative technical and management solutions to provide a patient care of high quality.
Common to all the key players of the health network is the relentless pursuit of cost reduction.
On the market, one can find plenty of innovative Technical and IT solutions to enable cost reduction and laboratory performance improvement. The challenge here is not the quantity and the quality of the solutions but:
These critical questions, that are really challenging to answer, are for the lab Managers.
Sebia Lean Service, combined with Sebia product solutions and Scientific expertise, provides the process excellence and operational efficiency support to lab managers for answering these questions.
The primary missions of laboratories is to provide high quality, reliable and timely clinical diagnosis results to health professionals and patients while staying within budget. This amounts to simply trying to reach efficiency, which is what Lean management solutions do: aim for Quality with just the necessary resources.
The main Lean principle is to concentrate the resources around the core mission of the lab while targeting and eliminating all unnecessary tasks. This results in performance improvement.
Sebia Lean service is designed to enhance the laboratory performance with customized product and management solutions. It is composed of a modular and scalable service offer.
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Audit plan:
Round of discussions / presentations to set up the goals and strategy before execution.
Educational Webinar with Dr. Joseph Mikhael MD and Dr. Christopher Farnsworth, PhD
Educational Webinar with Dr. Matthew C. Wagner
Educational Webinar with Dr. Ilaria Ferrarotti
Educational Webinar with Dr. Jack Maggiore from Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, IL
Educational Webinar with Jason EYRE
Educational Webinar Pr Simone Scarlata
Educational Webinar with David G. Grenache, PhD, D(ABCC)
Chief Scientific Officer, TriCore Reference Laboratories
Educational Webinar with Dr. Rachel WHEELER
Educational Webinar with Juliana A. Silva
Educational Webinar with Dr. Julien GUILLEMAUD
Educational Webinar with Dr. Cas WEYKAMP
Educational Webinar with Prof. Giovanni PALLADINI, PhD
Educational Webinar with Katie Thoren, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Educational Webinar Dr. Cornelia L. Harteveld from Leiden University Medical Center
Educational Webinar with Prof. Alessandro Gozzetti, MD, PhD
Educational Webinar with M. Jean Deenmamode, IFCC Working Group Chair
Educational Webinar with Dr. Annette BOWYER, Lead Biomedical Scientist
Improve your lab performance by optimizing your Sebia solutions.
Understand your needs and constraints to provide you with the most suitable and integrated solution.
Capillary Electrophoresis solution to meet your high capacity needs.
The compact and affordable automation of Capillary Electrophoresis.
Identification of monoclonal proteins by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Fully automated monoclonal proteins identification by Capillarys electrophoresis.