
Regionally, the median estimated prevalence of MS is greatest in Europe (80 per 100,000), followed by the Eastern Mediterranean (14.9%), the Americas (8.3%), the Western Pacific (5%), South-East Asia (2.8%) and Africa (0.3%). Regionally, the median estimated incidence of MS is greatest in Europe (3.8 per 100 000), followed by the Eastern Mediterranean (2%), the Americas (1.5) and the Western Pacific.

Multiple Sclerosis is classified into 4 forms:

  • Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS): the most common form of multiple sclerosis (75-85%). It is a cyclic form characterized by relapses with stable neurologic disability between episodes.
  • Secondary-Progressive MS (SPMS): The majority of patients after an initial remitting phase evolve within a variable period of 5 to 20 years through a secondary progressive form.
  • Primary-Progressive MS (PPMS). This type of MS is not very common, occurring in about 10% of MS patients, more frequent for patients after 40 years of age. PPMS is a progressive course from disease onset characterized by slowly worsening symptoms from the beginning, with no relapses or remissions.
  • Progressive-Relapsing MS (PRMS). A rare form of MS (5%), PRMS is characterized by a steadily worsening disease state from the beginning, with acute relapses but no remissions, with or without recovery.
30/100 000
the prevalence of Multiple sclerosis.
1.2 million
people with Multiple sclerosis in Europe and the United States.


Many disorders of the central nervous system are associated with increased concentration of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) proteins either due to increased permeability of blood-CSF barrier or to synthesis of immunoglobulins, primarily IgG, within the central nervous system (CNS).

Presence of intrathecal IgG synthesis suggests inflammatory disease of the CNS, such as caused by multiple sclerosis (MS). Although oligoclonal banding is neither diagnostic nor specific for MS, it is widely used as supportive information and considered an essential test by the European consensus and international guidelines. It is confirmatory in patients with clinical MS episodes and suggestive in patients with only few episodes or inconclusive clinical symptoms.

Sebia's Expertise

Among others, the European consensus set criteria for the detection of IgG oligoclonal banding in the CSF. HYDRAGEL 3 & 9 CSF ISOFOCUSING tests meet all the criteria as follows:

  • Isoelectric focusing is the most resolutive and sensitive technique for the detection of oligoclonal banding
  • The oligoclonal Ig G must be detected by specific antiserum
  • To confirm intrathecal Ig G synthesis, patient serum and CSF must be analysed in parallel to demonstrate differences in Ig G distribution
  • As an aid to interpretation, Ig G concentration in the CSF-serum sample pair should be adjusted to the same level.
  • Concentrating CSF should be avoided.